Bouquet sunny mood

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Bouquet sunny mood


  • Standard - 5 roses, 5 alstroemerias, 5 chamomile chrysanthemums, 5 carnations, decoration, bow
  • Deluxe- 10 roses, 10 alstroemerias, 10 chamomile chrysanthemums, 10 carnations, decoration, bow
  • Premium - 15 roses, 15 alstroemerias, 15 chamomile chrysanthemums, 15 carnations, decoration, bow


Unveil the perfect harmony of elegance and vibrancy with our bouquet of roses and alstroemerias. Each rose, a symbol of love, dances with the playful hues of alstroemerias. Together, they create a kaleidoscope of emotions—a botanical symphony that speaks volumes of admiration and joy. Gift a bouquet that captures the essence of beauty and happiness in every bloom

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